I suppose that as I've grown up I've gotten less patient with waiting for the inevitable to happen. Now I'm more like, I know its coming, let's just get this ordeal over and done with so that I can move onto more important things, like staying up to date on the pivotal Gyllenspoon situation as well as discovering that duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors (that would just be senseless violence otherwise, right?)
There's just no point in dragging out this mess. In fact, it makes lugging my where-did-the-weekend-go-so-fast-ass into work more and more difficult every week. But I'm here and the thought that gets me through the day? "At least I don't have this guy's job"
New job? Details please?!
No new job really, unless you count becoming a stay at home wife a job. We're just going to be let go of the job we have now and I will be managing our studio full time instead of when I have a chance to. :)
Aww that sucks. Well at least you'll be able to manage full time ... that'll be nice!
I want to be a housewife one day. I really really do.
PS - You never posted photos of your new place all moved in and stuff!!
I know, I've been slack. We moved in almost 2 months ago and we've somehow only managed to paint the molding in the living room. Buckets of paint await! And I will have photos soon of the progression, I promise!
Nice. I look forward to seeing them!!
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