Saturday, May 19, 2012

Our 5th Anniversary!

Tim and I have been married 5 years! FIVE years! I really feel like its been no time at all. To celebrate we decided to go to Europe for a whirlwind trip in London and Paris! It was our first real non-family related trip since we were pregnant with Harley almost 3 years ago. Definitely a long overdue vacation. It was also the first time being away from Harley for more than a few hours and I have to say that I was dreading that part. But we all managed fine with minimal tears. We tried Skyping for the first few days but it seemed to make Harley more and more upset so we held off until the last night, which helped me too because by that point I missed him sooooo much.

 The trip was like a giant breath of fresh air for us. We've been a little burned out on our day-to-day schedule and in need of new scenery to recharge. And recharge we did! Between my phone, Polaroid and "real" camera I took thousands of photos. I thought my button pushing finger was going to fall off, but I couldn't stop. There was just so many new things to see that my brain went into overload. It was awesome. I will have to break everything up into separate posts, however. Unless of coarse you would like for me to bring your internet to a halt with indefinite photo uploading.

Until those posts I wanted to share with everyone the amazingly awesome anniversary present my amazingly awesome husband gave to me. But first, a little backstory: a lot of the artwork that Tim has been making lately has included different kinds of insects, mainly bees. So for my birthday present to him I made a drawing of Abigail, Patron Saint of Bees. I really wanted to find him a preserved bee but didn't have much luck. About a month later we were going to our car and there was a giant bumble bee, dead on the ground, in pretty good condition, with wings spread out, waiting for us. So we brought him in and on our shelf he has remained. It was like he came to us knowing that we would carry on the beauty of his life.

So, Tim decided to put together a short, one page story about the two of us and our travels and search for the most beautiful bee. He printed out the story on a sheet of vintage V-Mail which was a sheet of paper that folds itself into an envelope that people used to send mail to armed forces during WWII. Tim tucked the story into an old tin crayon box along with vintage objects relating to the story that he found at antique stores. All of the objects are from around the same time period except for the photo that Tim took of him holding our previously found bee that he printed and mounted onto an old photo card. The bee was also included in an old salt shaker.

I can't even begin to described how much I love this gift! It just has so much that reflects who we are together, story, travel and our love of collecting random objects. I'm seriously over the moon about this and can't wait to find a way to display it all!

Thank you Boo! Happy 5th Anniversary and here's to 90 more! :)

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