Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Fire, The Beach and S'Mores Brownies

Continuing on with the week...

Here you can see the Snuggles' Vacation Photos. For those of you who aren't familiar, the Snuggles started when Katie gave me a purple octopus from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I subsequently named her Snuggle Puss and she has been the subject of many photos in various places and situations. When Katie gave me a pink, travel version for Christmas I couldn't help myself, I named her Snuggle Fetus and she now partakes in my anthropomorphic photography obsessions.

While on our way home from the beach we passed a controlled fire happening. Being easily entertained as we often are we got out of the car and took some photos. Not really much to write about that you can't see in the pics so here you are...
(rollover photos to see thumbnails)

And last but never newest dessert creation, S'mores Brownies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO CUTE. I love Snuggle Puss and Snuggle Fetus.

You look amazing, by the way my dear. LOVE the hair. So so cute.

Looks like you guys had a great trip to the beach despite all of the other insanity from the tornado!!

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